Studies in The Book of Exodus (Part 5)

Studies in The Book of Exodus (Part 5)

TEXT: Exodus 2: 1-10

INTRODUCTION The second chapter of the Book of Exodus can be divided to three parts - Marriage of Moses’ parents and birth of Moses (vs. 1-10), Moses as a child of destiny (vs. 11-22), death of a Pharaoh and preparation for deliverance (vs. 23-25). It is interesting that God’s plan to deliver Israel from their oppressor was being hatched while the king was busy planning the extermination of a whole people.

God revealed from this story that He will always have the last say in all situations that involve His children. God’s solution, according to the passage, includes the marriage of two Israelites, and the birth of a child. May the Lord teach us what He wants us to learn in Jesus name.

- Marriage of Two Israelites.
- Birth of a Child.

Marriage of Two Israelites: The passage opens with the marriage of two Israelites (v. 1), not an Israelite and an Egyptians (2 Cor. 6: 14-16; Exodus 34:14-16). It is also clear from here that marriage was between a man and a woman because God has specific word on marriage (Gen. 2:21-24; Matt. 19: 4-6; Deut. 27:21-23). Marriage was not designed by a social scientist or an anthropologist but by God. He created a man and made a woman with him as a helpmeet to fulfill the divine plan for the earth (1 Cor. 6:9-10).

Birth of a Child: Moses was not the first child of this marriage but he was the focus of the story (Exo. 2:4, 7; 6:20; 7:7), hence the narrative does not begin with the birth of Miriam and Aaron. Later, in recording the genealogy of the Levites the name of Aaron popped up while we encounter the sister’s name in another story. (Exo. 15:20). There are several lessons to learn here. The parents cannot determine which child will become the star of the family at birth except by divine revelation, and they must not favour one child above the other (Gen. 49:1-27; 37: 2-4).

CONCLUSION It does not matter what the power-that-be may do this year, you will always triumph over your adversaries. You will remain a rising star and your light shall not go dim. As you resolve to do right things this year the Lord will fulfill His promises concerning you. Amen.

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